The Team
The Darien Fuel Cell car is a unique, student-driven project that aims to expand and distribute knowledge of alternative energy, engineering, and teamwork throughout the student body. Our yearly goal is to attend the annual Shell Eco-Marathon, which is held in Sonoma, CA, where hundreds of universities gather to compete in the field of alternative energy. We pride ourselves on being one of the few high schools who attend the competition, which is largely dominated by universities, both international and domestic.
The Course
This course, which is officially known as Principles of Engineering, is open to all levels, however, it is highly dominated by upperclassmen. It is unique because it is entirely student run. While we have an administrator, who ensures that every process is being completed with the proper safety regulations, the students drive every aspect of the class. This class was designed to replicate a collegiate environment and prepares students to further their education in engineering, business, and alternative energy.